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Garden tags

My mom always keeps the plastic tags that comes with the plants and puts them in her garden. Her birthday came up, so I made here these nice wooden garden signs.

They were made in openSCAD, which means if you follow the steps here, you can easily make them yourselves with custom names.

How to make garden tags

* If you don't have openSCAD yet, download it here: * You'll also need a library on thingyverse: Download both files and put them in your library folder within the openSCAD folder. * Open openSCAD and copy this code:

* You can adjust the text. The code will automatically capitalise the text. * You can also adjust the font, but only standard issue fonts are available. * Run (F5) and render (F6) to get your vector file * Export as .dxf and you're ready to load it in the laser!

moestuinbordjes_garden_tags.1636544789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/29 21:25 (external edit)